Calculated Savings
For customers considering
SmartDispense, HEINEKEN UK has
a dedicated sales force that can
clearly explain the positive impact on
their business.
Rolling On
David and David XL, known locally
as the SmartDispense Integral and
Integral. Together we have a full
set of efficient draught solutions,
from one to 20 taps, modular and
flexible enough to suit the needs of
each individual customer."
"The starting point is always an in-
depth discussion about quality and
the needs of any customer, before
we even mention SmartDispense,"
says Simon. "From there, we use their
specific details - number of taps,
line lengths, retail price of beer-to
determine exactly how they could
benefit from SmartDispense.
"Our calculations include potential
energy savings, based on the
system size and whether we can
eliminate cellar cooling completely.
We also estimate increased
revenue opportunity through
sales uplift from improved beer
quality, potential for an improved
retail selling price of premium
brands and greater profit from
higher yield. There are further
opportunities to improve the
consumer drink experience with
support from our line-cleaning
experts. They will check and
give advice on glassware and
glass washer, plus offer pint
perfection training as part of the
quality package.
"We also show the environmental
benefits from the energy reduction,
plus decreased use of water and
chemicals. Our technical team also
uses chlorine-free detergent, which
cleans better and is kinder to the
environment. This really resonates
with customers as many of them are
striving to be more sustainable and
have in place their own messages
and targets."
Over 700 publicans currently use
SmartDispense across the UK. In
201Amany of the HEINEKEN-owned
Star Pubs across the country will also
be introduced to the system.
"Through SmartDispense, we can
grow both our customers and
HEINEKEN businesses sustainably
together, differentiating our brands
by always being served cold and
fresh," says Simon. "There used to be
tension between operators wanting
better quality draught but not
wanting to pay for it. We're finding
more and more visionary bar owners
are happy to invest in order to save.
We look forward to hearing more
positive success stories as the
roll-out continues." K
Find the SmartDispense savings
calculator and enquiry form at
"By the time I've factored in the reduction in wasted beer
and cider as well as energy and chemicals, I'm probably
looking at a saving of around £8,000-£9,000 a
year from SmartDispense."
James Gray.
Noose Money, Aberdeen
"At first we had seasoned drinkers saying it is the best
pint they have ever had. We explained the new system
and word has spread. Now we have people coming
in actually asking about it. You can't buy word-of-
mouth recommendations like that."
Iain Pert.
McSorley's, Edinburgh
Edition 2 201A World of HEINEKEN 21