HEINEKEN has set ambitious sustainable sourcing targets Initiatives in Africa involve more than 100,000 farmers' families w it it SUSTAINABILITY Since much of HEINEKEN's impact lies outside its control with suppliers and distributors, sustainability is not just a question of looking at what's happening in the company's own breweries and business, explains Edwin. "We also have to examine the extended supply chain and make sure that our sustainability agenda covers it from barley to bar." Building Momentum With this in mind, HEINEKEN has set ambitious sourcing targets, and is working with the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) - the only global food industry initiative of its kind - to achieve them. By 2020, HEINEKEN's aim is that 60% of raw materials in Africa will come from local sources (currently, the figure sits at around 46%), and at least 50% of the company's main raw materials will come from sustainable sources. Ethiopia (top) and Rwanda (below) have ideal climates for growing barley Edition 2 2014 World of HEINEKEN 15

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World of Heineken | 2014 | | pagina 15