As well as focusing on the present, it's also essential to think about
the longer-term. For HEIN EKEN, this future view means protecting
the Company and the world around it by reducing the environmental
impact of the business. In HEINEKEN's breweries and warehouses,
progressive solutions are being found to achieve this goal.
Focused Approach
Since 2012, the HEINEKEN approach
to sustainability - known as 'Brewing a
Better Future' - has focused on four key
areas where the biggest difference can
be made: by protecting water resources,
reducing C02 emissions, sustainable
sourcing and by encouraging responsible
consumption. For each one, ambitious
company-wide targets have been set.
Building the Business Case
Göss Brewery, Austria
(see photo opposite)
inding sustainable ways to
operate in a changing world
is a challenge HEINEKEN is
wholly committed to. "At the end of the
day, you don't want to make profit just
for next week," says Peter Jonkers, Green
Brewer Program Manager HEINEKEN
Supply Chain. "Sustainability is not just
a short-term trend. HEINEKEN has cared
about its impact for the last 150 years.
Our current sustainability approach helps
us prepare for the next 150."
In HEINEKEN's many breweries and
warehouses, this sustainability challenge
is being met with commitment and
inventive spirit. "The best way to make
breweries more efficient is to look at their
water and energy consumption. These
are two rich sources, where innovative,
out-of-the-ordinary ideas can help create
great improvements," says Peter.
The environmental performance of
every HEINEKEN brewery is ranked
on a Company benchmark. "There is a
strong performance culture at HEINEKEN.
Every brewery is given targets for their
consumption per hectolitre," explains
Peter. "The figure is based on making
improvements in housekeeping and to the
existing brewery infrastructure. But, of
course, new equipment also helps. Every
Joule counts!"
As a result, a wide variety of projects are
being developed, from small changes
to complete overhauls. "Many breweries
across Europe - and in Martinique -
have installed solar panels on their
rooftops," says Peter. "In others, we
have made significant investments into
certified technology to reduce energy
Two sites at the cutting-edge of
innovations are the HEINEKEN brewery
in Göss, Austria and a completely new
warehouse in Zagorka, Bulgaria.
"These are both fantastic examples of
HEINEKEN's leading ambition, requiring
investment into energy techniques and
building materials that, although they
involve a high capital commitment now,
will pay off in the long-run."
When it comes to new technology,
collaboration with external experts is
essential. "We work with a number of
third party specialists to develop new
projects. We also use international energy
In Austria, HEINEKEN operating
company Brau Union Österreich
is on a journey to make Göss
Brewery the first C02-neutral
brewery in the company.
Reusing Waste Heat
The Göss Brewery is located close to a
saw mill. By using the waste heat from
this mill, the brewery generates around
40% of its heat requirements.
Boiling System
A defective vapour compressor was
discovered. Instead of simply replacing
it, a new rectification wort boiling
system was installed.
The new system reduces both energy
and water consumption. The brewery's
water evaporation rate has fallen from
9% to 2% and boiling time has reduced
from 70 to 30 minutes.
Solar Thermal Plant
Occupying an area of around 1500m2
the solar thermal plant generates
almost 30% of the thermal energy
required for the mashing process. It
produces energy of around 400 MWh
per year, generating annual CO2
savings of more than 95 tons.
A 200 cubic metre energy storage tank
uses technology that allows excess
thermal energy to be collected and
saved for future use. This ensures
a continued energy supply for the
operation of the brewery.
Renewable Energy
Around 55-60% of energy consumed
by the Göss Brewery is renewable
thermal energy. Additionally, 100% of
external power used in the brewery
is through green electricity, as is the
case in all breweries operated by Brau
Union Österreich.
Edition 1 2014 World of HEINEKEN