HEINEKEN Netherlands
appoints Chief Orange Officer
New Barley Crop Benefits Local
Fundaqion Cruzcampo
Helping Generate Jobs
Early this year, HEINEKEN harvested new barley crops in
the Arsi and Bale regions of Ethiopia, planted as a result
of a local sourcing partnership entered in 2013. By 2017,
this public-private partnership project aims to benefit
20,000 local farmers and the surrounding community by
improving the quality and quantity of local crops. This is
one of a number of HEINEKEN local sourcing projects in
Africa, with a Company ambition to source 60% of raw
materials on the continent locally by 2020.
HEINEKEN Netherlands has made one man the
envy of the nation, following a successful two-
month search for a 'Chief Oranje Officer.' The
chosen candidate, Marco van Houwelingen, will
spend the next year representing the famous Dutch
spirit of pride, symbolised by the colour orange, at
major Heineken® events. This has already included
the Holland Heineken House at Sochi. Next, he
travels to the World Cup, Brazil - spreading more
orange as his countrymen stay green with envy.
HEINEKEN Spain, through Fundaqion
Cruzcampo, is supporting the hospitality
industry and stimulating employment
through a EUR 300,000 fund for new
businesses. Bars and restaurants starting up
and hiring three or more workers are eligible
for EUR 1,000, rising to EUR 1,500 where
there will be five or more jobs created. It is
hoped this initiative can help generate 900
new jobs in the country.
Edition 1 201A World of HEINEKEN 1