Raising a Glass to
From the moment Gerard Adriaan Heineken bought the Company's
first brewery in 1864, he instilled his drive, entrepreneurial spirit and
forward-thinking into the business. A century and a halflater, now
the world's most international brewer, this passion and innovation
remains at the heart of HEINEKEN success.
Family Values
15 0Years
In 2014, HEINEKEN celebrates
150 years of brewing passion
with many proud achievements
and milestones along the way. From a
single brewery in Amsterdam, today there
are 165 breweries in 70 countries plus a
portfolio of more than 250 loved premium,
regional, local and specialty beers and
ciders. Fuelling this success are 85,000
HEIN EKEN employees worldwide.
The Fleineken family has played a vital
role throughout the Company's history. In
the early 20th century, Gerard's son Flenry
Pierre Fleineken initiated the international
expansion of the business. In the 1940s,
Flenry Pierre's son Alfred 'Freddy' Fleineken
introduced branding and marketing
ideas that were way ahead of his time,
revolutionising the Company. Today,
Freddy's daughter Charlene de Carvalho-
Heineken is a member of the Fleineken
Holding Board of Directors, helping to
safeguard its continuity and stability.
Brewing and Branding
A desire to brew great beers and create
great brands that can excite consumers
has always motivated success at
HEINEKEN. Leading the way is flagship
beer Heineken®. Now available in 178
countries, Heineken® has achieved
a global market share of 20% in the
International Premium Segment.
The courage of Heineken® brand teams
to create marketing that makes an impact
has lead to award-winning, iconic adverts
and sponsorships. These include the
'Heineken® refreshes the parts other beers
cannot reach' campaign, first started in the
1970s; the hugely popular 'walk-in fridge'
TV commercial of 2009 and the recent,
much-talked-about, sight of James Bond
enjoying a refreshing bottle of Heineken®.
Heineken® today is the flagship of an
growing portfolio of more than 250 brands;
from global brands like Desperados, Sol
and Strongbow cider to significant local
brands from all over the world, such as
Primus, Star, Cruzcampo and Tecate.
Growing Footprint
The expansion of the HEINEKEN footprint
began in the 1930s with breweries in new
locations, including Singapore, Egypt and
present-day Indonesia. Recent acquisitions
and joint ventures in Asia, Latin America
and Africa are helping take the Company
from strength to strength, inspiring
confidence that in the future a glass will be
raised to celebrate another 150 years.
As we say in the Netherlands: "Proost!"
Edition 1 2014 World of HEINEKEN 13