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<pM «Cfk fa Tie Crcn
Heineken0 Event and Sponsorship Intern <3
kjknf tnncie^jon npplj for fke Cvenf nntL SponSorskCp Znfern posCfCon7
When I read the job description, I thought this internship was made for me. The main reasons why
I found it so appealing were because it was for Heineken®, it was within Marketing and they were
looking for an open minded, international applicant.
Z. Af nnij poCnf ctnrCnj fke CnfervCe« process tLCrL^jon onder if fkCs «nS n
SerConS role7
I never doubted the seriousness of the interview; however I interpreted the unusual conditions as a
way to test my reaction.
3. Did fke CnfervCe« cknnjevonr preconcepfCons nbonf ZLeCneken®?
I am a big fan of Heineken®'s marketing videos and its outstanding creativity. This interview made
me an even bigger fan of the company and its marketing methods.
4-, Zto« tCCtk^on feel ontjonr firsf iLeuj7
a. Terrified
b. Excited
c. Calm and Ready
d. Other:
5kJknf projecfs nre^on Cnrrenffj «orftCna on7
I am involved in several projects, mainly for the Heineken Experience in Amsterdam. My main
project is the renovation of the UCL room. I have been responsible for briefing an agency and am
handling the contact with them for the project.
I was also lucky enough to join the UCL Trophy tour in Rio de Janeiro.
6. kJkecf knS been fke kCqklCgkf of^jjonr CnfemskCp fo tCetfe7
I am thinking of doing a marketing-related masters, so learning about Heineken®'s brand values
and seeing different agencies has been one of my highlights.
Secondly, experiencing Rio de Janeiro was a big highlight!
J. kjknf foofbnll fenm donjon Snpporf7
Eintracht Frankfurt!!!
<f. KJknf nrLvCce «onlri^on^Cve fo ofkers wkdct IClte fo work etf ZteCneken®7
Mine was an unusual application process, so I don't know if I'm the best one to give advice, but
generally speaking if you feel excited about the company don't hesitate to apply. You have
nothing to lose!
J. f~Lo« tLCtL^on feel vrken Von fonnd, onfyonttof fke job.
I didn't believe that I got the job until I held the envelope with the contract in my hands. This was
one month after I had been in Turin and I still thought something might go wrong!
It was the best Christmas present and I was very happy.
10. AnvfkCng else Vond, Icke fo ndd7
I would like to thankXEINEKEN for giving me this opportunity. I know that the attention
generated by 'The Candidate' put me in a very privileged position, which I appreciate very much.
Edition 2 2013 World of HEINEKEN