In the same way that the UK has done for the home
delivery market, specific e-shopping visuals have been
developed. As an example, draught keg imagery online
now includes a demonstration of the beer flowing into
the glass. These improved visuals help the consumer
understand precisely what they are purchasing.
Clearer beer sub-categories
In-store, types of beer are clearly signposted. In France
90% of beer purchases are in the blonde beer segment.
This creates a challenge online. If there are 50-60
varieties to choose from, they don't fit on one Internet
page. As a brewer, if you're not on the first page you're
not visible. To overcome this challenge, FIEINEKEN
France has been working with our customers to refine
these segments, enabling all brands to become more
visible online.
Added consumer convenience
One example is FIEINEKEN's draught keg. Consumers
normally have to cool the keg at home, which takes time.
FIEINEKEN France has collaborated with retailers to
develop a cooling service, meaning consumers can pick
up a ready-cooled keg through the 'drive' channel.
Customer collaboration
In September 2012, FIEINEKEN France developed a
partnership with the music group Metronomy and the
retailer Monoprix. The band designed a limited-edition
bottle, the availability of which was announced on both
the Fleineken® brand website and the retailer's Facebook
and Twitter accounts.
The outlook
In France, by 2020 e-retailing is expected to account for
10% of consumer goods sold, compared with 3% today.
Whilst it won't replace in-store shopping, by continuing to
hold development discussions with our customers we can
grow business jointly in this space. K
2k World of HEINEKEN Edition 2 2013