Special point-of-sale
material enables
customers to
leverage the SKYFALL
Local activations at iconic
locations around the world
generate media buzz
online, via social media and
traditional media
Packaging promotes local
competitions with tickets to
the premiere as prizes
and traditional media coverage. They started by
recruiting six potential 'men of the world' to take part
in an adventure sponsored by an unknown brand. At a
final event during the recruitment process, the waiter
handed them a receipt with the words 'Congratulations,
you passed. The adventure starts now.'
"They were then picked up by a Bond girl in a chauffeur-
driven Aston Martin. This of course generated a huge
amount of media coverage. To stimulate online traffic,
a seventh candidate was recruited via Facebook.
After uploading videos and images to support their
application, the public could vote online for the winning
candidate. The public could also vote on the daring
challenges in which the seven contestants had to
compete to find the ultimate 'Man of the World' winner.
The challenges were performed in a specially-designed
venue at Santos Dumont Airport in Rio de Janeiro."
Driving Traffic in the On- and Off-Trade
"With special promotional mechanics, we've also been
able to run competitions in the on- and off-trade,
with exclusive tickets to the premiere as prizes," adds
Cyril. "Using our specially-developed eye-catching POS
materials, special packaging, and limited editions also
enables retailers to leverage the hype around the film
with striking promotional displays. On shelves and in
bars everywhere around the world, our partnership
with James Bond is generating extra visibility for the
brand, driving positive image association and ultimately
increasing sales."
It's not just HEINEKEN that is enthusiastic about the
potential. When announcing the partnership, SKYFALL
producers Michael G. Wilson and Barbara Broccoli
commented: "The level of collaboration with Heineken®
is unprecedented. We are excited by the global reach
and the creativity that the Heineken® team is able to
deliver." K
Quarter 4 2012 World of HEINEKEN