Using technology to surprise consumers and ignite conversations booth, where they're recorded dancing for 30 seconds. Within 48 hours, the clip has been edited into a mini music video that's posted straight to participants' Facebook walls. "Most markets are working to increase their Facebook fans," says Joost, "and this is just one of the ways you can do that. "On a yearly basis, we're involved in more than 400 music festivals, which means that, on average, there's a Fleineken® enjoyed at a music festival every day of the year." Back to Basics Music festivals also provide an opportunity to communicate Fleineken®'s sustainability position. "Live music events are Frame from one of thousands of 'human equalizer' clips posted to Facebook 2012 Events OCTOBER ■Sandance, Dubai (full VIP) NOVEMBER ■Sandance, Dubai ■SWU, Brazil DECEMBER ■ZoukOut, Singapore Quarter 4 2012 World of HEINEKEN 37

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World of Heineken | 2012 | | pagina 37