Extensive Strongbow Gold sampling was carried out in 70 strategically targeted bars Strongbow Gold was launched at key New Year's Eve events with a shower of golden notes consumers are not used to the taste. In effect, the brand is building a new beverage category." After the fireworks and the president's speech, it was the first television commercial people saw in the New Year. In addition, they blocked all stations at 19.05 that evening. Anyone watching television at that time, on any channel, was treated to the globally developed Strongbow Gold commercial. "The emotional message and the functional message, such as refreshment, are successfully intertwined in the advertising. Following airings of the commercial, sales increased threefold." Promoting Strongbow Gold Bars Additional sampling was also done in supermarkets to encourage trial of this previously undiscovered, novel product. "Going forward, Strongbow Gold will have a strong presence at two Heineken®- sponsored festivals this summer: Balaton and the Unique Festival," adds Bram. "An activation is also being rolled out using the Foursquare app. This will allow consumers to check in to Strongbow Gold bars and receive credits for special Strongbow Gold merchandise." HEINEKEN plans to continue to build on the success of these launches with further roll-outs of Strongbow Gold in 2012. "With two launches behind us, we're learning how cider works across countries, our assumptions relating to the number of non-beer drinkers, the changing taste of younger legal drinking age adults, and preferences for a lower alcohol long drink in social situations are correct, and we are building upon this knowledge to make Strongbow Gold a truly global winning proposition," concludes Karen. Quarter 3 2012 World of HEINEKEN I 7

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World of Heineken | 2012 | | pagina 7