LIONS CANNES^: Heineken BRANDS open your world process. In the case of 'The Date', Sandrine hints that this could involve, "helping young men with the nerve-wracking task of asking a woman out on a date before sweeping her off her feet like Heineken®'s hero. This subsequent stage in the brand's marketing strategy will focus on leading the conversation instead of just taking part in it." A New Approach The 'Man of the World' campaign is reflective of Heineken®'s more sophisticated approach to engaging its consumers. Campaigns are no longer developed for a specific medium, but rather are primarily content driven. "It's all about creativity," states Sandrine. "Good content plus creativity in expressing the message is the best way to create a deeper emotional engagement with your audience," a statement wholeheartedly supported by Alexis Nasard. "I strongly disagree when I hear analysts and other experts say that beer is beer, there's not much you can do with it. Beer is not just beer. We can use innovation to refresh and renew the category, our brands and our campaigns." Entertainment remains the guiding principle for contemporary Heineken®. Sandrine explains: "When you have content which is really entertaining, you're automatically part of the conversation with customers, with bloggers and with consumer's and that's exactly where we want to be." 58TH INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF CREATIVITY 19-25 JUNE 2011 "The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity awards affirm that Heineken® is indeed part of the conversation and remains a leader in creativity and innovation in marketing." Autumn 2011 World of HEINEKEN 15

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World of Heineken | 2011 | | pagina 15