"Making the switch to sustainable transport is good for the environment and good for business" World of Heineken 43 - winter 2010 Toasting the opening of the new port which will remove around 100,000 Heineken trucks from Dutch roads each year The products we make, buy and sell, all have an impact on climate change and the broader environment. This happens at all stages of the product lifecycle, from raw material sourcing to disposal. The resulting environmental impact is a by-product of the energy and resources used, the emissions from areas like production and packaging, and waste from discarded products and transport. Heineken is addressing all of these challenges. In the area of transport, Heineken's Zoeterwoude brewery has recently made significant improvements. In October 2010, Heineken became the first customer of The Netherlands' largest in-land cargo terminal, The Alpherium, in Alphen aan de Rijn. Via the port, the Zoeterwoude brewery will transport export products to Rotterdam and Antwerp using sustainable water transport rather than by truck. With the capacity to handle at least 60,000 containers annually, the new facility will support the waterborne transport of huge quantities of goods as an alternative to road transportation. "The energy efficiency of a boat is roughly three times better than the truck transport of similar goods," explained Heineken's CEO, Jean-Franqois van Boxmeer, at the launch ceremony. "Approximately six million truck kilometres - equivalent to roughly 100,000 trucks per annum - will be removed from the Dutch motorways through this initiative. This equates to a total C02 emission reduction of 35%. This represents a considerable contribution to the sustainability of our logistics chain." For the Heineken brewery in Zoeterwoude, 95% of road traffic movements will be substituted by transport over water from the Alpherium to the ports of Rotterdam and Antwerp. As a launching customer of the new facilities, Heineken will utilise 85% of the outgoing capacity. The opening of the Alpherium is the result of many of years of forward planning and coordination involving a number of different organisations and local authorities. Heineken has been involved in this for 15 years. This is a clear example of Heineken's commitment to taking a leading role in helping the brewing industry build a more sustainable future. 17

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World of Heineken | 2010 | | pagina 23