Facebook Facts: World of Heineken 42 summer 2010 JOIN the H The Dos Equis website encourages visitors to follow the activities of The Most Interesting Man in the World on Facebook More than 400 million active users Average user has 130 friends Users spend over 500 billion minutes per month on Facebook The fastest-growing group on Facebook is the over 55s Average user is connected to 60 pages, groups and events Average user creates 70 pieces of content each month About 70% of Facebook users are outside the US There are more than 100 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice as active on Facebook as non-mobile users and Facebook, trigger a different response from the consumer: "It's a switch from a transaction-directed dialogue where you talk at the consumer to relationship-directed communication, in which information flows in two directions," explains Sjoerd Korsmit, Communication Strategist at MediaPartners Group. "This is due to the changing relationship between sender (the company) and receiver (the target group). Both can publish and express their opinion, and therefore influence each other. This also provides a valuable source of feedback for us as a company." Thanks to the Internet, an individual now has the chance to meet and enter into a dialogue with people who share the same interests all over the world, cutting through geographical borders. "This makes it the ideal medium for us to develop a real fan base. The whole concept of our product, beer, is centred around the social experience. And this is exactly what we did with our recent UEFA Champions League sponsorship campaign," explains Tim Ellerton, International Sponsorship Manager for Heineken. You can read more about this in the 'Sponsoring the Good Life' article on page 41. NEW APPROACH TO MARKETING "The nature of every marketer is to talk about his product," continues Floris. "The brand is at the centre of everything we communicated. However, the way you communicate on social networks is different. It's not the product people want to talk about, but about their interests and experiences. If you facilitate that, they will appreciate you. So, being on Facebook is not about selling our product, but about the creation of a community of people who love to share a 'beer moment' in relation with Heineken. It's about initiating a preference for our brand." Furthermore, social media fits perfectly well with Heineken's target audience of cosmopolitan men of legal drinking age. "Thanks to Facebook, we can stimulate the discussion among our fans, and they spread the word," adds Floris. "One of our most successful posts on our Facebook page was 'Cheers, Salute, Prost... How do YOU say it?' and within an hour, we had thousands of replies and 'likes'. Even at the time when there was no activity on our fan page, we rapidly gathered a fan base of over 300,000 members. For Heineken, it's an incredible competitive advantage!" Dos Equis ÉAhttp //dosequis.com/ C CD 58 Apple Geimporteer -09 (S577)» Yahoo! Google Map» Nieuws (S577)» YouTube Wlkipedfa Populair» AM Voedingscentrum 29

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World of Heineken | 2010 | | pagina 31