the fizz
Enjoy Heineken Responsibly
Summer 2007
The Enjoy Heineken Responsibly website has
been online since November 2004. It has
undergone its first redesign and has been
upgraded to provide a more interesting and
interactive reading experience. It also offers
clearer navigation.
Heineken plans to intensify its communication
surrounding the company's responsibility
message, and has added new content to the site,
as well as changing existing content to make it
more adaptable for international markets.
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"Enjoyheinekenresponsibly.com was launched
as a tool to provide consumers with relevant
and transparent information on the
consumption of alcohol," says Aart van Gestel,
Manager Beer and Society. "An important part
of Heineken's sustainability programme is to
communicate with consumers around the
world about the serious issue of alcohol abuse.
The new upgraded website will contain more
insights and in-depth information and useful
tips about responsible drinking."
Home I Facts I Drinking guidelines I Risky drinking patterns I Alcohol Policy I Family and Alcohol FAQ
What does 'enjoying Heineken responsibly' really mean?
This websie is tul ot practical informatioo about enjoying Heineken responsibly We
hope youl find our advice, answers and guideïnes usefd. But before you read on,
M £55^
alcohol is only for aduts over the legal (kinking age
always ckink alcohol in moderation
never drink before or when cktving or when operating machinery
never drink if youTe pregnant
(ml yourself to one (kir* a day If you're a woman and two drinks a day if you're a
In addition to information
about alcohol and its
effects, the website also
features a section
detailing the Heineken
Alcohol Policy Statement.
This is a document that
sets the standards and
parameters for ail
employees' statements
and actions on alcohol-
related issues.
A part of the site is also concerned with the
potential beneficial effects of moderate
alcohol consumption. "It's important to
consider both the potential positives, as well
as to pay careful attention to the possible
negative effects of irresponsible alcohol use,"
says Jan-Willem Vosmeer, Programme
Activation Officer in Amsterdam. "Sections of
the site make information available about
research which suggests beneficial effects of
consuming beer moderately," says Vosmeer.
The site also features an interactive quiz,
where users can test their knowledge about
how much they really know about alcohol.
The site will initially be available in English and
French and will eventually be translated into
every main language. It will also be extended
to the Amstel brand.
Please visit:
"Monochrome" was chosen as this year's winner
of Heineken Thirst Studio 2006 by a unanimous
vote. Their winning track "Pearl" topped regional
winners from eight other countries (Croatia,
Denmark, Dubai, Hungary, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Singapore and Vietnam). The Global Winners
immediately went in-studio for a collaboration
session with super-producers Gabriel and
Dresden to remix 'Pearl.' This newly re-mastered
track was then performed later at the Tao club at
the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas.
This was the first time Heineken has hosted Thirst
Studio Global Sessions in the USA. During the
talents, among them Erick Morillo, Gym Class
Heroes, Steve Aoki, DJ Vice and Paul Oakenfold.
Hip-hop legend Kanye West hosted the Thirst
Studio Global Sessions party at Tao. "It's great to
be here with Heineken Thirst Studio," he said. "It's
great to be able to be an inspiration to other
Music sponsorships are an important part of
Heineken's global marketing strategy to further
increase the premium Heineken brand equity,
says Christopher Carroll, Global Brand Experience
Manager. "Music partnerships are our way to
build close and meaningful relationships with our
urban young-adult consumers," he says.
Part of the winners' prize package won by
Monochrome will be the opportunity to perform
at a number of worldwide Heineken Music events.
Heineken Thirst Studio, the company-owned
global music platform, has travelled to 41
countries and 206 cities over the past five years.
It touched down in sizzling Las Vegas between
May 25 and 27, for three days and nights of
dance, rock and hip-hop.
three-day holiday weekend of exciting events at
the glamorous Tao Night Club and Tao Beach, the
nine regional winners shared the stage with some
of the world's most renowned and influential