Winter 2007
A bustling city night club which is crowded until the early hours of the
morning. The barmen, dressed in blue jeans, T-shirts and sneakers, are
friendly and always eager for a chat while they tap you a cold glass of
Heineken. But don't mistake the casual atmosphere for sloppiness, the
relaxed atmosphere is part of jojo's rationale. The highlight of the club
is an 80s-style double-decker bar with a sugar-pink chandalier hanging
in the centre - Sultan Muhammad IV meets Andy Warhol.
Situated on the top floor of the
Besiktas Plaza, Vogue offers
spectacular views of the entire
city. Through the enormous
windows, both the Asian and
European districts of the city
can be admired. It's a tightly
designed outlet, and glamour is
central. Dark wood contrasts
with the white interior. Vogue's
sushi bar is extremely popular,
particularly among the local
celebrity crowd who come for
a California roll. While a range
of top international beer
brands are sold, there is
absolutely no branding
except for Heineken. Built in
behind the wooden bar is a
chique cooler with stylish Paco
bottles on display.
Akaretler Besiktas, Istanbul
90 (0) 212 227 2545