Both Jan and Jeroen are hesitant to put a dollar Preserving history value on their collections, but with both of their collections numbering thousands of items, it's sufficient to say they are extremely valuable. "But we're not selling!" is their unanimous opinion. THE WORLD OF HEINEKEN Internet. So I can't really complain." This is a statement Jeroen Jonker would heartily agree with. Jeroen has been a devoted Heineken collector for the past six years and is the founder and webmaster, a Dutch Internet auction site dedicated exclusively to Heineken collectibles. The World Wide Web is loaded with Heineken and beer collector sites, not only in Holland but across the globe. "Surfing the Internet has made finding rare items a lot easier, of course," Jeroen says. "The site has been online for two years and already we've had more than 15,000 people place items for sale or trade" says Jeroen. "At any given time, there are roughly 300 items for sale on the website." Jeroen's website is a virtual Heineken flea market, catering not only for die-hard collectors of Heineken memorabilia. "Lots of people find things in their attic or their back shed," Jeroen says, "people who aren't collectors but know that there are some of us out there who will pay top prices for Heineken items. There is so much stuff out there that people haven't discovered—things that are quite valuable." Jeroen himself has a collection of more than 2000 items, taking up an entire room at the back of his home. Two display cabinets crammed with Heineken glasses, among them a number of rare ones. Shelves and cupboards stacked with collectibles—just as in Jan's front room, it's like walking through a miniature Heineken museum. Jeroen's most prized collectible is a porcelain Heineken tap. "I'd love to install a complete working bar with Heineken taps and a large Heineken fridge. But I don't have the room and the large Heineken fridges are hard to come by. Maybe one day when I move into a bigger house I'll be able to fulfil that dream." Both Jan and Jeroen are hesitant to put a dollar value on their collections, but with both of their collections numbering thousands of items, it's sufficient to say they are extremely valuable. "But we're not selling!" is their unanimous opinion. Dedicated Heineken collectors like Jan and Jeroen are important to the organisation, as they proudly carry the company flag, promoting the Heineken brand in their own unique way. Annesietske Stapel, curator of the Heineken collection at the Heineken Experience in Amsterdam, believes collectors are vital to the preservation of the brewery's history.

Jaarverslagen en Personeelsbladen Heineken

World of Heineken | 2005 | | pagina 18