WITH HAART ...the HAART programme is a successful treatment scheme for HIV/AIDS... I Commitment Heineken's contribution Last summer, the fifteenth International AIDS Conference was held in Bangkok, Thailand. Inspired by its theme 'Access for All', twenty thousand representatives from governments, multinationals, NGOs and the scientific world shared their knowledge and experiences in order to find ways to fight the increasing problem of the AIDS epidemic throughout the world. Heineken participated so as to learn from others and share the success of its HAART programme. The fifteenth International AIDS Conference was set to link commu nity and science to galvanise the world's response to HIV/AIDS through increased commitment, leadership and accountability. Over the years, knowledge gained from basic, clinical and social research has been critical in its contribution to greatly increasing the life expectancy and quality of life of affected and infected persons. Moreover, prevention efforts have succeeded in reducing the rate of new infections in many populations around the world, though there is still much work to be done. As a result, it is now clearer than ever that progress in the fight against this pandemic will depend not only on scientific developments, educational programmes and community support, but on a commitment to act globally. At the highest political levels, the magnitude and impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic is falling out of focus as the world responds to terrorism, war and a poor economy. The funding for many HIV/AIDS programmes has shifted with the change in focus. To counter this, the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS (UNGASS) Declaration of Commitment secured a global commitment from world leaders to enhance and intensify national, regional and international efforts to combat HIV/AIDS in a comprehensive manner. Twenty years of promises, and still the pandemic continues to escalate in many parts of the world, particularly among poor and vulnerable populations. Access to new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies is available to only an extremely small percentage of at-risk and affected people. All parties involved should be held accountable for whatever promises they make, if the effort to fight the disease is ever to be successful. Heineken has a clear interest in fighting HIV/AIDS. We invest heavily in our workforce throughout the world. AIDS causes an increase in cost, a decrease in productivity and loss of qualified personnel. Not to mention the grief and personal drama of people who are infected or affected by the disease. Heineken's HIV/AIDS policy is PAGE 8

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World of Heineken | 2004 | | pagina 8