v giving parents the information they need to educate their children about responsible drinking is a really good contribution to society... V Education within the family I NOVEMBER 2004 range of issues is addressed. The reports show some of the best we have to offer across the company. It is rather impressive to see how committed people are and what has been achieved." One example is Marisol Bravo, Manager Corporate Affairs, CCU Chile. 'Education within the family' Companias Cervecerias Unidas S.A. (CCU) in Chile was looking for different ways of curbing alcohol consumption among underage drinkers. The legal drinking age in this South American country is 18, but the reality is that many adolescents under that age have tried alcohol at least once. Most educational programmes are geared towards informing young people. CCU's 'Education within the family' programme is one of the few that are directed at the parents. 'Giving parents the information they need to educate their children about responsible drinking is a really good contribution to society,' says Marisol Bravo. This is only one example of Heineken's social responsibility on a local level. Striving for sustainability requires a joint effort. It depends on transparent communication with the various target groups: not only the employees, but also customers, shareholders, non-governmental organisations, the international media and other interested parties. The integral version of the Sustainability Report can be viewed on the Corporate website www.heinekeninternational.com. MARISOL BRAVO

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World of Heineken | 2004 | | pagina 7