ene Social sustainability Casebook THE WORLD OF HEINEKEN the results of this policy. It shows, for example, that Heineken has been successful in further reducing the consumption of water and energy, and has been successful in recycling co-products and in measuring indirect C02 emissions. In the journey towards a more sustainable future Heineken can report good results in terms of social sustainability. Areas where further improvement is required are also identified. Operating companies have given priority to a wide range of social responsi bility issues. According to the report, extra efforts are required in further implementing the Heineken alcohol policy, the business conduct policies and the policy on supply-chain responsibility. Necessary programmes such as Alcohol Work, Responsible Commercial Communication and the Whistle blowing procedure ra are already in place or are currently being prepared. w se In our organisation there are many examples of Heineken's Ei journey into a more sustainable future. In the internal casebook O 'Living our responsibility' local initiatives by operating companies CI in Austria, Chile, China, Congo, France, Italy, Netherlands, Nigeria, S. Rwanda, Switzerland and the United States, are explained. The al cases demonstrate the commitment to further advancing the di sustainability of operations. Thony Ruys explains: "In our daily is work we try to maximise our contribution to the sustainable nature le of our operations and to our communities. In the internal casebook in and the external report that have now been published, a wide p

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World of Heineken | 2004 | | pagina 6