SYSTEME de i NETT0YA6E et de STERILISATION Stakeholder dialogue company and the public's associations with the brand name are inextricably intertwined. CSR provides several benefits for an organisation, as it results in better operational performance, as all company processes are continually being scrutinised. The relation ship with the various stakeholders improves, as they are listened to and discover that they can exercise influence on the course of events. This in turn can contribute to the company's reputation and its position in the relevant markets. Many consumers prefer products from an organisation with a good reputation; people like working for it, and employees are more inclined to continue working there. This strengthens operational continuity, which makes our company a more attractive prospect for investors. Heineken is part of a system of interested parties, also referred to as stakeholders, who have an interest in the continued existence of the company. Heineken is an employer, a supplier, a partner, a publicly traded company, a customer, a payer of taxes, an PAGE 6

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World of Heineken | 2003 | | pagina 6