HEINEKEN'S CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Heineken's new department Corporate Affairs has the prime responsibility of shaping Heineken's worldwide Corporate Social Responsibility strategy (CSR). But what does Heineken mean by that? Is it something that is only done to create good publicity or is there a more significant strategic importance to CSR and who is responsible for Corporate Social Responsibility? Nowadays companies are more than ever before in the public spotlight because they are important players in society. They play an important role in the lives of employees, consumers, local societies, business partners and investors. Companies have been given a position of responsibility within society, which also brings obligations with it. Society expects quality companies to do more than just provide good products and robust financial results; they are expected to run their business in a socially accepted manner. Research has repeatedly shown that companies that do this well are rewarded for doing so. They earn a better reputation and are therefore in a better position to do business. PAGE 4

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World of Heineken | 2003 | | pagina 4