IN MEDITERRANEAN COUNTRIES BEER CULTURE GIVEN AN IMPETUS France, Spain and Italy continue to look for ways to make beer more popular Hi L a B i r e Table i It is high time that beer in Mediterranean countries receives the place it rightly deserves. This is the view of Brasseries Heineken in France, Heineken Italia and Heineken Espana. Independently of each other they have launched a campaign to put beer 'on the map' in their own (wine) country. Particularly in wine countries the consumer's knowledge of beer is underdeveloped. In France wine plays such an important role within society that it is an essential element of the national PAGE 32 cultural heritage. A lot of French people do not even look upon wine as being alcohol. The French government authorities have always taken a very different view on beer. They feel that beer is the cause of alcohol addiction among young people. And among consumers, too, the image of beer is poor, as the figures show: at 36 litres per capita, beer consumption in France is almost the lowest figure in the whole of Europe. Only Italy and Greece have lower scores. Spain, which is also a typical wine country, has in fact overtaken France in terms of beer consumption per head.

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World of Heineken | 2002 | | pagina 32