very strong growth over the past few years brewery, freshly painted and with an image that contrasts strongly with the rest of the industrial estate. On the eighth floor of the office block next to the brewery is the office of Managing Director Victor Pyatko. The brewery was set up in 1998 by the Icelanders Thor Bjorgolfsson and Magnus Thorsteinsson. They concentrate on the broad strategy outlines and leave the day-to-day management of Bravo International, which has a total of around 1,600 personnel, to Victor Pyatko. According to the MD it is logical that a Russian is in charge of a Russian business. No-one has a better idea of the ins and outs of the culture of Russian bureaucracy than a local manager. "Here in St. Petersburg there is a foreign-owned factory run by an MD from another country. From the moment when the factory was ready to begin operating it took nine months before the actual start-up of production. Simply because they did not know their way around the Russian official channels, which meant that they had to wait too long to get the required permits." Victor Pyatko (43), together with Technical Director Ragnar Trigvasson, is one of the 'seniors' in the management team. According to Mr Pyatko the young age of many of his managers is one of the typical features of Bravo International. Production Logistics Director Nikita Shumlin is 28, Commercial Director Dimitry Sitnikov is not much older and a glance at the age profile of the marketing department soon confirms that the offices are staffed mainly by young people. Young managers bring a high degree of flexibility. And that was really needed by the brewery in PAGE 17

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World of Heineken | 2002 | | pagina 17