Demand points -- -• "<,s ft. - <S breweries to moving the beer to the customers in the United States and to export markets around the world. For Heineken USA the major change was the way in which beer shipments destined for the US would be organised. In the past beer was brewed based on orders and made up into orders for individual distributors. This led to a mixing of brands, packages and package configurations within containers. In the new system demand points have been established. These demand points are full-service distribution centres which are provided every week with beer that is produced on the basis of demand forecasts. These demand points monitor customs clearance, handle product storage and execute distributor deliveries. Heineken USA now has ten demand points, all of them located near major seaports. The demand points will enhance Heineken USA's distribution by improving the flow of products, which will mean fewer ocean shipments, an improvement in distributor order lead times and inventory levels and a better overall customer service to distributors. This improved level of service includes a maximum order lead-time of ten days (down from an average of eight weeks), reducing distribution inventory levels from an average of 38 days to 14 days. As a result, the freshness of the beer is comparable to that of the best domestic brewer (down from an average of 89 days to 45 days). The benefit of the demand points is threefold. It not only helps Heineken USA and its distributors. There are also benefits for the brewery in Holland. Instead of having 425 different order points, the brewery now only has ten. The consolidation of orders reduces the number of times that production lines have to be changed, and that in turn brings improvements in production planning and scheduling. PAGE 13

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World of Heineken | 2002 | | pagina 13