Alfred Henry Heineken was the focus of attention throughout his life. He was variously described as an advertising genius, a commercial wonder and a phenomenon. He attracted attention despite avoiding publicity whenever he could. He found people's interest in him as a person totally exaggerated, but simultaneously pulled out all the stops to inspire those around him with his witty remarks and canny observations. "I think of myself as quite unimportant. Why? Because I really believe that to be the case." The world in general thought differently, however, creating a problem for Alfred Heineken: the difference, as he saw it, between his image and reality. Who was Alfred Heineken? Who was this man who was one of the most respected people in The Netherlands and who built Heineken into a global concern? It is difficult to judge the man PAGE 46 without preconceptions. Over the years the media built up a powerful image around the brewing magnate. Alfred Heineken was the world's most ordinary billionaire, entertainer, carefree despot, easy-going tycoon, top industrialist and lone wolf. His genius was widely recognised. As one newspaper put it, 'Alfred H. Heineken would have risen to the top even if his name had been Smit. Even people who didn't like him acknowledge that he was a born leader and, where finances are concerned, that he possessed a natural talent which was just what a capital-intensive business like brewing needed.' Alfred Heineken enjoyed acting the simpleton with outsiders. "Yes, I must admit I have perhaps cultivated the image of someone who likes to make rather bold statements. It is with such one-liners that I'm often able to express what I want to say. The essence of my remarks tends to stick, and getting the message across is what it's all about." Most

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World of Heineken | 2002 | | pagina 46