Athenian Brewery links up with 2004 Partner After many years or preparation, construction and organisation, the moment will arrive three years from now. Greece will then host the world's most prestigious sports event: the Olympic Games. Heineken Operating Company Athenian Brewery is a Grand Sponsor with Heineken beer. Greece is the birthplace of the Olympic Games. In the year 776 B.C. the Olympic Games were held there for the first time, in the small town of Olympia. Almost a thousand years later, however, the tradition came to an abrupt end. The Roman emperor Theodosius I banned what he called those 'heathen' Games. It was only at the end of the nineteenth century that the Olympic Games were restored to the position they deserved - thanks to the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertain. It almost went without saying that Greece was chosen as the venue for those first "modern Olympics". In 1896, thirteen nations sent 285 of their best athletes to compete in Athens for the topmost honours in their field of sport. More than one hundred years after those first Olympic Games of the modern era, it will be the turn of Greece again to welcome the athletes. But this time the contestants will number more than ten thousand and will be representing almost all countries in the world. Athenian Brewery is proud of the title of Grand Sponsor and has ambitious plans to exploit the sponsorship to optimum effect. As Athenian Brewery's General Manager Minas Tanes explains, the aim of the sponsorship is twofold: "It is our goal to form a warm emotional bond with the Greek people, inspiring them to get involved and at the same time associate the Heineken brand with the world's most recognised international athletic event." The Olympic Sponsorship Programme does not involve sponsoring in the traditional (commercial) sense of the word. It is more like a partnership, comprising three different status levels: TOP sponsor (TOP stands for The Olympic Partner), Grand Sponsor and Official Sponsor/Official Provider. The TOP sponsors for 2004 include Coca Cola, IBM, Kodak and Panasonic. The Grand Sponsors, such as Athenian Brewery, operate at national level but are permitted by the organising committee to expand their activities to other countries.

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