\;if Since October 9th, 2000, the new Heineken Visual Identity has been rolled out within the company. The new Visual Identity is intended to create a more uniform structure, and Heineken will be able to present itself much better as an entity. Heineken Switzerland celebrated the launch of the new Visual Identity in a very special way. as one big family to celebrate the new inauguration of Heineken Switzerland, previously known as Calanda Haldengut Brauereien. All employees met at a small train station at the beginning of the Rhine Canyon, where a unique twenty-kilometre ride began in a specially decorated train. In an unforgettable ceremony, the company was re-named and celebrated. Heineken Switzerland implemented the new worldwide Visual Identity as one of the first Operating Companies. On May 4th, 2001, all employees (580) from Heineken Switzerland could unite Leonore Schudel, Manager of Public Relations and Communication at Heineken Switzerland, explains: "For me, the most important thing was to unite all people in the Swiss Heineken family. I really PAGE 44

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World of Heineken | 2001 | | pagina 44