QlM 1
Lebanon will be one of the few export mar
kets which aims to capture a large share of
the market by managing a broad portfolio:
Heineken, Amstel and Murphy's. The three
brands are imported by multi-sourcing. The
huge advertising campaign for Amstel,
launched on billboards and radio, has a spe
cial friendship theme: AMSTEL... Ya Ma'alem.
This commonly used Arabic expression,
primarily used as a positive response to a
happy reaction, also means 'you expert
you teacher', as in wise person and a person
who knows which beer to choose.
Amstel is back in Lebanon. The Amstel
brand has been added to the export
portfolio. The option for this introduction
became feasible due to the termination of
the licence between Heineken and the local
Almaza brewery. In April 2001, the first
Amstel container arrived in Lebanon.
The introduction of Amstel in Lebanon is an
historical moment for the Lebanese distribu
tors, the Bocti family, who have been one of
the most committed Heineken distributors
since 1974. Due to this special introduction,
From left to right: Lieven van der Borght, International
Marketing Manager Amstel, Gabriel Bocti, President
Gabriel Bocti S.A.L., Selim Bocti, Vice President Gabriel
Bocti S.A.L and Bart Merkus, Area Export Manager
To ensure that the HIBC continues to serve
as a professional selection and recruitment
tool capable of attracting international
students, Corporate Career Development
has redesigned the programme. The three-
day course is now interactive and provides
a learning experience focused on career
development, intercultural management and
networking with international managers and
formal HIBC participants. Through HIBC
Heineken has the opportunity to assess
candidates for a management career. The
added value for participants is that they
are given a development plan that allows
them to build further on their personal
strengths, and that they can improve their
less developed skill areas. For more infor
mation, please visit the website
Nicoletta Nutrito, a former HIBC participant and
currently working as a Technical Trainee in Heineken Italy
Heineken USA, the innovator in imported
beer packaging and the creator of the
Heineken Keg Can, has delivered from the
beginning of 2001, the fun and excitement
of Mardi Gras and New Orleans' Bourbon
Street directly into the hands of Heineken
In celebration of Mardi Gras 2001,
Heineken has introduced 45,000 cases of a
new, specially designed Mardi Gras 160z
can, giving retailers across the United
States a unique opportunity to attract cus
tomer attention.
"As cans are the preferred package for
on-the-go occasions, the new Heineken
Mardi Gras can is a unique way for people
to make Heineken a part of their Mardi
Gras celebrations," explains Steve Davis,
Senior Vice President of Marketing at
Heineken USA. "Inventive Packaging
alternatives, such as the popular Heineken
'Keg Can', are effective ways to reach
consumers and help them celebrate special
occasions throughout the year."