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You've worked for Heineken in various continents.
Were there big differences?
How is Bralima developing at the moment?
What are your objectives for the years ahead?
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Johan Doyer (47) is nowadays General Manager of Bralima in the
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). He started his career at
Heineken in marketing, after which he held various commercial posts.
He was appointed General Manager of Vietnam Brewery, and was
later in charge of the breweries in lie de la Réunion and Burundi.
"Well, even within one continent, you can find totally different
environments, lie de La Réunion is like a small piece of Europe in
Africa, which makes it completely different from other African
markets. But there are parallels between continents. I encountered
that both in Vietnam and in Burundi as well as here in DRC:
the relationship with the government and distributors is enormously
important and shows many similarities."
"The problems in the region are having a negative effect on the
country's economy. Consumers have less to spend and so this is
obviously having an impact on our sales. There has also been an
increase in competitive pressure. We're fighting for a slice of a
market that is getting smaller all the time."
"Bralima, like our other African Operating Companies, is now
busy implementing a change process which will make us more
efficient, more competitive. In the meantime, some five hundred
managers from all Operating Companies in Africa have taken
part in the Stamp (Strategic Action Management Programme)
course in Amsterdam. That course not only maps out the strategy
for the African Operating Companies, but also explains how we
expect our managers to implement that strategy. For Bralima the
main thrusts in the next few years will be on marketing efforts and
on improving efficiencies. By introducing standard management
systems, we aim to build a more streamlined organisation.
We are working together intensively with our suppliers to intro
duce supply chain management. This will bring us into line with
other modern organisations. We are really on the move."