Heineken Heineken heineken france
"grand prix" for
L'esprit bière par L'esprit bière par
heineken sponsors
environmental project
platform on packaging:
vision and beyond
Heineken is the main sponsor of an environ
mental project in Spain's Canary Islands,
involving a system for the collection,
transport and recycling of beverage cans.
Because of the limited space on the islands
and since urbanisation and tourism are
seen as a threat to the natural environment,
this project is a welcome contribution to
the solution of the waste problem in the
Canaries. This year three hundred containers
will be placed on the Islands, another two
hundred will follow next year. Expectations
are that one million beverage cans will be
collected per month, which means that
ultimately 100,000 kg of aluminium will be
recycled each year.
A Heineken can-collector container
On April 2nd, 2001, the French Association
for the Press Magazine's Promotion awarded
Heineken France the prize for the best
marketing campaign 2000 in the category
alcoholic beverages. Marketing Director
Pascal Gilet received this prestigious prize
that was seen as a recognition of the cre
ative quality of the campaign and the effec
tiveness of the dynamics of the brand. The
campaign, launched in May 2000, was pub
lished in Press Magazine and on billboards.
Over thirty managers from seventeen
different operational units attended the
Platform on Packaging on April 20th, 2001,
in Amsterdam. The framework for this
meeting formed 'A Vision 2010 on Packaging'.
Packaging projects were illustrated by
means of a Poster Session and during four
OpCo plenary case presentations. In the
afternoon participants elaborated on the
packaging innovation processes during
interactive workshops and presentations.
During an informal session Mr Ruys,
Vice-President of the Heineken Executive
Board, presented his ideas and gave
participants the opportunity to ask
questions about packaging ideas and
priorities. The second Platform meeting is
planned for October 26th, 2001.
A Workshop at the Platform on Packaging,
in the middle Tom Pozorski, Packaging Technologist at
the Zywiec Group