The brewery in Ibadan obtains its water from a river 25 kilometres
away. Via a system of pipelines the water is transported to the
brewery where it is further purified and made suitable for use as
brew water and cleaning water. The brewery has succeeded in
reducing its water consumption considerably in recent years, from
The present brewery has had a wastewater treatment plant since
1993. The aim is that the new brewery will be fitted with state-of-
the-art equipment so that the waste water will be treated in such
a way that it no longer has an environmental impact.
a lot of water costs a lot of money. The payment we have to make
to the government for permission to pump up the water has risen
enormously in recent years. The savings have meanwhile reached
commendable levels and are not limited solely to the consumption
of water: because we use less, we also have to purify less."
13 to 8.5 litres per litre of beer. The recommended standard level
of 7 litres has therefore not yet been achieved. But, as head
brewer Wale Adesanya explains, the outdated bottle washer and
pasteuriser are the main causes: they use too much water by
comparison with the current consumption criteria. "By being
disciplined and by making the operators aware of the need to
save water, you can cut down on water usage quite a lot, but the
design of the machines is an equally important factor in that
respect." Within twelve months the Ibadan brewery will also have
its own new wastewater treatment plant. Head brewer Wale
Adesanya describes it as 'world class'. In view of the brewery's
size and its well-trained personnel, Ibadan has been selected to
serve as a model brewery for the other African brewing units.
The fact that the existing purification plant does not work optimally
and therefore leads to protests from people living near the brewery
is an extra reason for rapidly pushing ahead with the construction o
of the new water treatment plant. a.