well-known lager brands, Star and Gulder. Star in particular has
undergone a transformation, both literally and figuratively.
Literally, because the format of the green Star bottle was changed
in the autumn of 2000, and figuratively because the brand has
experienced an unprecedented revival. Star, which has been brewed
ever since 1949 and was seen as a leading brand for decades,
was gradually being outstripped by Gulder, the other lager brand
of Nigerian Breweries, which is positioned slightly higher in the
standard segment. The introduction of the new bottle brought a
sudden revival in consumer interest for Star and at the moment
Star is Nigeria's favourite beer. Marketing Director Bola Akingbade:
"In the past year we have worked on enhancing value perception of
our brands to guarantee a perfect fit with consumer motivations.
Star is now the beer of pleasure, fun, leisure and shared drinking.
Gulder is much more the beer for achievers and is a little more
individualistic. 'Star is our beer, Gulder is my beer'."
The difference between Star and Gulder also becomes clear in the
communication. For the Star brand the word 'brightness' plays a
central role. The central theme of the communication for Star is
music. Star therefore sponsors performances and organises live
music during promotions in the 500,000 or so on premise outlets
in Nigeria. Gulder, says Mr Akingbade, stands for solid enjoyment.
"Gulder - more than Star - is a male drink and is active in football.
Gulder is a major sponsor of football, which is also a sport for men
in Nigeria."
And what role does Heineken play in the Nigerian beer market?
"The sophistication segment in which Heineken operates is still
small. We want to build the premium lager sector with Heineken,
using class and style within the context of "one meaning" as
appropriate. For the moment we are focusing very much on