Star and Gulder
JUNE 2 O O 1
we get the best suppliers and by upgrading the breweries to a
world class technological level. Secondly, we emphasise a high
performance, learning organisation. If we want to achieve our
objectives, we need the right people. We can draw on support
from Heineken for that. Thirdly, we need to dramatically raise
value creation and productivity. We used to have an output of 500
hi per FTE. That has already been increased to 2,000, but the best
brewery in the world has an output of 15,000 hi per FTE. We must
be world class in this respect, too. In a globalising world only a
world class company can survive. It's simple: we have no choice!
Another key issue is the focus on product-market investments to
stay ahead of the competition. In the lager segment, therefore, we
want to have a really dominant position as well as a broad leadership
in the premium segment. We also want a respectable share of the
highly lucrative stout segment."
A clear-cut strategy and key issues only become fine instruments
when they are implemented. There is no shortage of dynamism
and energy in the management team of Nigerian Breweries. As is
evidenced by a number of large-scale changes that have been
initiated over the past year on the basis of the key issues.
Mr Odimegwu: "We brought new people into marketing, we decen
tralised the customer service division and placed responsibilities
lower in the organisation in all divisions of the company:
technical, human resources, financial and general management.
We looked at the entire company. It is our task as management to
make sure that we have the right people in the right place at the
right time."
A major element in the key issues of Fleineken's new Operating
Company Nigerian Breweries is the market approach. In the space o
of eighteen months, a lot has already been done to reposition the a.