From left to right: Pascal Peek, Wilko Bunk, Menno Lammerts van Bueren and Eddy Kuijper.
are progressing, the delivery date,
which cargo ship will be used and
how many containers there will be in
the shipment and even what exactly
will be in the containers". Another
application will be introduced at the
end of 1999. The client will be able
to place his order on-line. There
is a similar application in use
by Heineken USA, the Heineken
Operational Planning System.
However according to Wilko Brink
there is a clear difference between
HOPS and XportNet. "Like HOPS
XportNet enables you to submit
orders. XportNet however, will also
include additional services, like a
complaints procedure and an over
view of outstanding invoices. This is
possible because XportNet is linked
directly to SAP".
Heineken Export has 250 distri
butors, which should all be connec
ted to the XportNet, but Menno
Lammerts van Bueren realises that
this will be difficult to realise in prac
tice. "It depends on the level of IT
development in a given country
whether a distributor can be connec
ted to the XportNet. Not every distri
butor currently has an Internet con
nection. However, development in
this area is proceeding very rapidly
and I expect that the majority will
have an Internet connection very
soon. But a connection is not enough
in itself. Ultimately it comes down to
whether the Xportnet is actually
used. The distributors will have to be
motivated by a good roll-out and
proper training.
The 80-20 rule also applies here.
This means that twenty per cent of
our clients generate approximately
eighty per cent of our turnover, so
XportNet will have proved itself if we
can connect this twenty per cent to
the Internet."