Pictured left are the greatest menaces to orderly and disciplined behavior in our society. But there are some of you who refuse to believe this. There are some of you who think Amstel Bier is just "a smooth, golden lager." That Amstel 1870 is nothing more than "a rich, hoppy pilsner." That Amstel Light is merely "a crisp, full-bod ied light beer." FOOLS! These beers come from the very belly of hedonistic humanity Amsterdam. These beers are the true embodiment of Amsterdam's recklessly open-minded behavior. Don't let the conservative-looking bottles fool you. You must resist their seduction. You must say no to the Amstels from Amsterdam. We appreciate your cooperation. LAUNCHES ATTACK ON ANSTEL "open for anything" image of the city of Amsterdam. "We found that when it comes to choosing a beer, the group we aim to reach feel that heritage and history are of particular importance. In our first print campaign the emphasis was on the beer's Amsterdam origin. 'Open for Anything. Are You?' was the payoff line", says Yuri Schwalbe, Amstel brand manager at Heineken USA. But how could the open minded- ness philosophy best be communica ted in a subsequent phase of the (TV and radio) campaign? Heineken USA and the advertising agency conclu ded that the most effective way would be to show the exact opposite. This basic concept led to the 'birth' of Garrison Boyd and his Americans for Disciplined Behavior; as fighters against innovation and against Amstel. Fully in line with expecta tions, Boyd's crusade is having the reverse effect. Figures for the initial post-launch months show that sales are well ahead of all the forecasts. OUR ENEMIES A MESSAGE FROM GARRISON BOYD AND AMERICANS FOR DISCIPLINED BEHAVIOR. www.g-boyd.com

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World of Heineken | 1997 | | pagina 27