Americans for Disciplined Behavior oppose arrival of Amsterdam heer In commercials in the United States a certain Garrison Boyd has been urgently advising his fellow Americans not to drink Amstel beer. That beer comes from Amsterdam, a city that is known for its 'reckless open mindedness', and Boyd sees Amstel as a dangerous exponent of what he calls the Amsterdam 'culture of chaos'. boyd and behavior garrison disciplined 'a message americans GARRISON BOYD L I In his battle against Amstel Garrison Boyd is tackling things in a big way. He has set up an organisation called 'Americans for Disciplined Behavior' and he even has his own Internet site,, to propagate his standards and values as a means of saving the USA. As his world view is based on the values of the early nineteen-sixties, it is logical that Mr Boyd sees the open mindedness of a city like Amsterdam as a sign of decadence. In a radio commercial we hear Boyd in a supermarket trying to per suade housewives not to buy Amstel beer. In another message we see him in a tiny rowing boat making every effort to stop a ship loaded with con tainers of Amstel from reaching port. CREATIVE Heineken USA, which introduced Amstel and Amstel 1870 several months ago, received reactions from concerned Americans. "Do you reali se that a certain Garrison Boyd is buying airtime in America and warn ing people against the city of Amsterdam and Amstel beer?" Yes, Heineken USA was certainly aware of that. Even more so, that was its aim. In fact, Garrison Boyd doesn't exist. Nor does his organisation Americans for Disciplined Behavior. Boyd is the brainchild of the cre ative people at the Wells Rich Green advertising agency in New York. They had been commission ed to devise a campaign that would bring the launch of Amstel and Amstel 1870 to the attention of consumers. The budget was small, certainly when compared to the advertising budgets of the big American breweries. The agency therefore had to come up with a high-impact cam paign. And the novel approach it chose certainly caught on; the campaign met with a wildly enthusiastic reception and sales of Amstel were way above expecta tions. At one New York radio sta tion they were so appreciative of the Amstel commercial that they added "canned" applause at the end. HERITAGE For Heineken USA the campaign had a dual aim: first, to focus attention on the history and heri tage of the brand and, second, to couple the Amstel name to the 26

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World of Heineken | 1997 | | pagina 26