Chih Feng Huang is one of the wholesalers for Taipei. and gradually built up a professional organisation: Wine Warehouse. Huang is one of the distributors of Heineken in Taipei. He has split his company into two separate busines ses: one for sales and deliveries to about a thousand res taurants and hotels and the other to serve the 250 Western outlets in his sales territory. Some ten sales reps work for Huang. He also employs 12 full-time truck drivers and has an accounts department to handle invoicing. Wine Warehouse sells alcoholic bevera ges, both local products and imports, mineral water and fruit juices. Heineken is the most recent product he has added to his range but, despite that short history, Heineken has already become his most important product. Asked why he has included Heineken in his range, Mr Huang says: "I am a lover of beer myself and I like good quality. Besides, I could see how fast Heineken was growing in Taiwan and that's why I wanted to have Heineken in my portfolio. Heineken has meanwhile put down steady roots in Taiwan." In the Western outlets in his sales area Heineken has a one hundred per cent distribution, Mr Huang assures us. But, he adds: "We still have enormous potential in the Chinese restaurants with the 65 cl bottle." Yu has been in business for more than ten years. Five years ago he set up his firm called Tenli. In his portfolio he has beer, wine, brandy and whisky. His customer base mainly consists of Western pubs and the nightclubs in Taipei. In the past he had already been active as a sub- wholesaler for Heineken. "Even then I could see that Heineken was a fast-selling product with tremendous poten tial. The big difference between Heineken and the other imports is that Heineken is fighting to win a war whilst the others are just fighting one single battle, in other words they are very much focused on the short term. In the mean time we have achieved one hundred per cent distribution for Heineken in the Western pubs." Yu can also see chances for Heineken in the Chinese restaurants, but he realises that building up a strong position there will take time. Excellent service, says Yu, contributes to the success. "If it's really necessary, we will still make a delivery at midnight." TENNIS Kaohsiung is an important city in Taiwan. So important, in fact, that five different airlines operate scheduled flights every half hour between Kaohsiung and Taipei. And almost all those flights are fully booked. Kaohsiung is located on the South coast, has 1.3 million inhabitants and is home to a large concentration of industries (especially chemical plants). Beer consumption in Kaohsiung is higher than in the North because of the differences in climate. The tempe rature in Kaohsiung is a good five degrees or so higher than in Taipei. In this city one of the Heineken distributors is Mr Kong. He has been a distributor from the very beginning and star ted his business selling Heineken on a very small scale. "In the beginning sales were counted in single cases. Competition was keen and the price of the beer was high. Besides, the beer was not very well-known in Taiwan. Together with people from Tait we adopted an intensive market approach. Taking away old beer and replacing it with fresh beer so as to guarantee the product quality. After a while we saw that the taste of Heineken Beer was starting to catch on and that sales were slowly growing." That 19

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World of Heineken | 1997 | | pagina 19