O NSORING other, but also other clubs which finish high in the national league tables. The actual teams selected to take part in the UEFA Champions League will be decided on the basis of the placings achieved by each country's teams in the preceding season. More matches mean more brand publicity, more hospitality and there fore higher costs for the sponsors. "That's true", says Mr Amiabel, "but we are willing to pay that extra money, since we get a multiple return on every guilder we invest". communication strategy involving, for instance, broadcast sponsorship ('this programme was brought to you by AmsteT), advertising and sales promotion activities." NEW FORMAT With effect from the new season the UEFA Champions League will have a new format. The number of clubs taking part will be increased from 16 to 24 and the number of matches will climb from 61 to 85. Under the new format not only last season's nation al champions will play against each

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World of Heineken | 1997 | | pagina 31