GREATLY The famous Heineken Tram in Zagreb. Novigrad. This year the festival last ed a total of four nights. All sorts of music styles are featured, such as jazz, blues, reggae and soul", ex plains Martinette Susijn. The organi ser of this festival is Bosko Petrovic, a vibraphonist who is well-known in jazz circles. Last summer he succee ded in contracting blues artist B.B. King to appear in Zagreb and, in view of his positive experiences with the jazz festival, Mr Petrovic also asked announcement of the B.B. King concert. Heineken to provide financial sup port. Heineken's tie-ins with this spon sorship included radio spots, bill boards and fliers. A recording of the concert, which took place on 13 July, was broadcast on a commercial TV station and the programme is due to be televised again this October. as well as in the northern part of Croatia and Serbia", says Jacqueline Speek. TRAM Assisted by the three local distribu tors (NIPA Trade, KROLO Trade and GEN Split-Zagreb), Heineken spends a comparatively large amount of ener gy and money on marketing activi ties in Croatia. Heineken is market leader in the import segment and a high level of brand awareness is needed to maintain that position. A small selection from the various acti vities: a television commercial, a tram in Heineken livery which tra vels through the centre of the capital city Zagreb, and the use of POS mate rials to profile the Heineken brand in the outlets. Export Manager Ms Speek is supported in these market ing activities by Export Marketing Manager Martinette Susijn. A significant role in the market ing activities is reserved for music. "Since 1995 Heineken has been spon soring a music festival in the city of lazz in Novograd sponsored by Heineken.

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World of Heineken | 1996 | | pagina 7