IMPROVED EFFICIENCY AND SERVICE As part of the continuous efforts to improve customer service and achieve greater operational efficiency, the Heineken Export Group has decided that the various departments that are cur rently housed in different locations will be brought together under one roof near Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport. Their new home will be in Schiphoi's World Trade Centre. Integration of Heineken Export Group departments efficiency improvement is essential, as our sales are growing by ten per cent a year." The management team of the Heineken Export Group is convinced that relocation will improve internal communication and flexibility. Kees Brandt explains: "We want the export departments located as close to each other as possible so they can take decisions very quickly and efficiently." At the moment the departments are still located in Rotterdam (Export Transport Department and a part of EFI) and in Amsterdam (sales and marketing and a part of EFI). The removal operation is scheduled for March 1997, but preparations for the move and the integration are already in full swing. Kees Brandt, Regional Export Manager, has been assigned to supervise this operation. As project manager he is monitoring the prepa rations and the relocation. "Modern means of communication such as fax and computer networks are basic necessities, but in our work personal contacts are extremely important. It's much easier just to drop into a colleague's room to discuss somet hing and get a matter settled. This

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World of Heineken | 1996 | | pagina 5