BRASSERIES DU CONGO RESULT OF A FRUITFUL MARRIAGE On the river which carries the biggest flow of water in the world stands the big gest brewery of Brasseries du Congo. Several years ago the Congolese brewing industry itself moved into a fast-flowing current when the decision was taken to implement a major merger. The merger between Brasserie de Brazzaville and the Kronenbourg breweries in Brazzaville and Pointe Noire was essential from a Heineken viewpoint. First, a brief step back in time. In the mid-1980s the Heineken brewery in Congo, the former French colony, was a flourishing operation. Per capita consumption had increased to 45 li tres and growth figures of twenty per cent per annum were a realistic possibility. There was optimism on all sides about the future of the beer market and so Heineken decided to make substantial investments in expanding the capacity. Unfortunately, it all turned out somewhat differently. The country ended up in a deep economic depres sion and per capita consumption dropped sharply to 20 litres. Gerard Bour, General Manager of Brasseries du Congo, describes the importance of a strong economy for the brewery: "You could say that in many African countries beer consumption is the thermometer of the economy. If people face financially hard times, they spend less on beer." Brasserie de Brazzaville found itself in problems because of the eco nomic slump. A beer war was fought against the breweries of Kronenbourg. That battle was between Primus, the Heineken beer, and Ngok, Kronenbourg's standard beer. Gerard Bour, who at that time was brewery manager of the Kronen bourg brewery, still recalls the keen competition. "The city was complete ly awash with advertising materials and the competition was enormous." After many years of fighting, it was found that two brewery groups in the small country was too much of a good thing and it was decided to merge them. SOFT DRINKS Because of the over-capacity, all the 11

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World of Heineken | 1996 | | pagina 11