Minibar in minitrain Tempo Israel starts using Heineken trucks Heineken Japan K.K. has already built up a name for its alertness in finding fun ways of promoting the Heineken brand image. That reputation was recently confirmed again in the shape of the Chin Chin Densa. This minitrain, top ped by a giant Heineken bottle, was transformed into a minibar. Heineken Executive Board member H.F.M. Coebergh performed the official opening some time ago and, although he had performed such ceremo nies many times before during his lengthy career, this was the smallest estab lishment that he had ever opened. The bar has room for only ten visitors. The fact that Chin Chin Densa is located in one of the busiest streets in Tokyo's nightlife and entertainment district gives the Heineken brand image a very promi nent boost. Tempo Brewery, the Heineken Beer importer in Israel, recently started using a number of trucks resplendent in Heineken livery (see photo). The trucks carry bottled beer, cans and kegs. The bottle is the most popular pack form for the Israeli consumer. In Israel beer is a sea sonal product but, claims area export manager Mart Jan Gerards, this applies to a much lesser extent to Heineken Beer. Sales remain reasonably constant throughout the year and are growing. THE WORLD OF HEIN E KEN

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World of Heineken | 1994 | | pagina 35