1 A turma estava toda [2 reunida. O local pare cia ter sido bem es- o colnido. Agradava a 5 tmaioria dos antigos colegas. Havia algons deliciados com as pratelei- ras recheadas de antiguida- des. Outros encantavam-se com a possibilidade de jogar uma partida de "snooker". Mas. em todos eles, havia urn brilhozinho nos olhos. Desde o fim do curso, só haviam passado meia duzia de anos. Mesmo assim, as perguntas iam e vinham ao sabor das respostas. As saudades pareciam nao ter fim. Só mesmo a Heineken poderia testemunhar tanta felicidade junta, -«^Si- pioneer of the premium segment in 17 Portugal. This obviously means that a lot of time, energy and money has to be invested in building the segment before satisfactory results can be achieved. Some of those investments relate to advertising. Mid-1994 saw the start of a print campaign, with a star role for a number of outlets sell ing Heineken Beer. In the campaign the premium image of Heineken is coupled with typically stylish Portuguese outlets. An approximate translation of the tagline for the cam paign is 'Heineken, like everything should be'. The non-alcohol segment is also still in its early stages. Until 1992 Heineken's Buckler was joint market leader. Following the introduction of two local non-alcohol beers Buckler's position has come under pressure, but Mr Tuyt is optimistic about the product's chances in view of the growth shown by the non-alcohol seg ment. The speciality beers segment is still in its infancy as well. A product like Murphy's Irish Stout, tested this year, has meanwhile recorded good progress on the Portuguese market. Hans Erik Tuyt looks forward to a possible growth of speciality beers. "We at Heineken have many outstan ding speciality beers in other world markets, beers which would also go down very well in this country." restaurants Heineken Beer is regular ly served in a can. Mr Carreiras, however, makes it plain that he prefers the bottle. "We must keep investing in it. Even if it still takes a few years, we have to continue. Portuguese consumers are basically the same as consumers in other European countries. Many Portuguese live abroad; we refer to Paris as the third city of Portugal. But as the years pass, many of those Portuguese emigrants decide to return to their native land. Those are the people who bring new influences back with them to Portugal." Pioneer In the Portuguese beer market segmentation is still virtually un known. A mainstream lager (the market leader with 5.8% alcohol!) has always been there, with premium brands playing no role of significance. As has happened more often in the world, Heineken has also been the THE WORLD OF HEINEKEN

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World of Heineken | 1994 | | pagina 17