ineken Trophy
ultimate goal for Whitbread
On 25 September this year the starting shot will
ring out. Nine months and almost 32,000 sea miles
later one of the 28 participants will be presented
with the Heineken Trophy. We're talking about
the ultimate sailing event: the Whitbread Round
the World Race for the Heineken Trophy.
Ever since 1973 ocean yachting
fanatics have been taking up
the challenge every four years:
sailing around the world in just under
nine months. And the fanatics are
growing in number. For the 1993
edition of this event a record total of
28 yachts have been entered in the
two classes: the IOR Maxi and the
Whitbread 60.
As many as 32,000 sea miles, split
over six legs, have to be covered by
the contestants. Since each single leg
is longer than the average ocean
yachting race, Heineken has also
made a Heineken Trophy available
for the winner of each leg in both