tl Europe with n haps over the longer term, Russia, the Ukraine and the Baltic Republics. In Hungary a participation was realised two years ago (Komaromi Sörgyar) and, as regards the other priority countries, Ypma can report that serious work is being done on a num ber of projects. The government and the manage ment play a crucial role in the priva tisation of state-owned businesses. But privatisation in the brewing industry faces some opposition. Brew eries are seen as part of the national heritage and the authorities are reluctant to offer those companies to West European bidders. The other side of the coin, however, is that most breweries in Eastern Europe are faced with a dilemma. They need financial resources for further tech nological development and to boost their management skills; these are the elements required to safeguard the brewery's continuity. Proof Heineken is not necessarily looking for breweries with big volumes and high market shares. The participation in Komaromi (market share approx. 4%) is proof of this. Though this is not a hard and fast rule, Ypma believes that big breweries often have a com plex organisational structure, a sur- -1 lie Ypma: 'The cards are now being shuffled'. plus of manpower and capacity and are often managed bureaucrati- cally. Smaller breweries are more flexible, more efficient, faster to re spond to change. The results of Komaromi Sörgyar have strengthened Heineken in its belief that the chosen strategy will be successful. The introduction of locally brewed Amstel in Hungary outstrip ped expectations and demand for the product is still increasing. Exports The (future) participations in Eastern Europe should ultimately help to build a good position for Heineken Beer in these markets. Whether and when Heineken Beer will be introduced depends entirely on how spending power develops and on the segmentation of the beer markets. Until that time the Heineken com pany must not sit still. The image of Heineken Beer is today already being built up by means of exports. The future will tell whether Heineken Beer will ultimately be brewed locally in Eastern Europe. There can be no absolute certainty about this. Much will depend on the developments in the beer market. Budapest, capital of Hungary. Heineken's participation in this country is very success ful. THE WORLD OF HEINEKEN

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World of Heineken | 1993 | | pagina 31