Heineken Far East
sponsors book
about Cambodia
Heineken Far East has
added another sponsorship
to its existing selection:
financial support for the
production of a book about
Because of the civil war
in this Asian country news
coverage about Cambodia
has mainly been negative
over the past two decades.
The 200-page book by John
Hoskin (text) and Tim Hall
(photography) depicts an
other side of Cambodia: its
centuries-old and rich cul
ture and its natural beauty.
The book was published
in English, German and
French and was marketed
Heineken Far East
sponsored the book's pub
lication in exchange for
forty personalised copies of
the book which were sent
to various business
relations. The cover of the
book carries the Heineken
logo and a page at the front
of the book has been
reserved for a message
from the sponsor. In ad
dition, Heineken Far East
asked the publisher to
include two photos in the
book which clearly portray
the Heineken brand image.
esasc i
Early in March the
thirteenth edition of the
Heineken Regatta took
place. This yachting event
was held, as usual, around
the island of St. Maarten in
the Caribbean.
Over the years the
Heineken Regatta has
grown from a local event
into a contest which has
gained a permanent place
on the calendar of the
major international fixtures
in the yachting world.
Journalists from the
Caribbean, the U.S.A. and
Europe reported on the
regatta, ensuring wide
spread publicity for