ineken Beer brewed Desnoes Geddes Brewery in Jamaica also celebrates 75th birthday - "We've imported the brewmaster instead of the beer". This was the slogan used by the Desnoes Geddes brewery in the Jamaica Daily News of 11 July 1973 to let the population of the Caribbean island know that Heineken Beer would be brewed locally from that date on. For many years Heineken Beer had been exported from Holland to Jamaica. Increased import duties made exports less attractive and so Heineken started negotiations with Desnoes Geddes on local brewing and sale of Heineken Beer under licence. On 18 May 1973 the contract between Heineken and Desnoes Geddes was signed. At the present time Heineken has a stake of almost 15% in Desnoes Geddes. This year the twentieth anniversa ry of this licensing contract between Heineken and Desnoes Geddes will be festively commemorated. But D&G has yet another event to celebrate. This year also marks the brewery's 75th birthday. Messrs. Desnoes and Geddes opened their brewery in Jamaica on 18 June 1918. Business man and brewer Paul Geddes later developed the first real Jamaican beer: Bed Stripe. THE WORLD OF HEINEKEN

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World of Heineken | 1993 | | pagina 12