Sponsorship aim achieved B uckler contract will be terminated The group of racing cyclists managed by Jan Raas have started their final season under the name Buckler Cycling Team. When the three-year contract terminates at the end of 1992 Heineken can look back with satisfaction, as the sponsorship's objectives will have been achieved. The aim of the sponsorship con tract with the cycling team under the management of Jan Raas was to build up a brand aware ness of 75% in Europe over a period of three years. Research by an external bureau has shown that this level will have been reached by the end of 1992. The success of the sponsorship is based on the team's successful perfor mances over the past two years. Stage victories in leading races such as the Tour de France and wins in the spring and autumn classics have quickly helped to familiarise consumers with the Buckler name. Million The strong increase in public awa reness of the Buckler brand has had a very favourable impact on Buckler's sales in volume terms. In the final months of 1991 it became clear that during that year Buckler had exceed ed the magic threshold of 1 million hectolitres (that's as many as five hundred million glasses). Although all 'Buckler countries' contributed to the growth, it was Holland, France and Spain which accounted for the bulk of the sales. Within a short space of time Buckler has moved up into second place in the European league table of non-alcohol beers. Message In future, therefore, marketing activities for Buckler will no longer be aimed at boosting brand awareness. Emphasis in Europe in the years ahead will be on the message: 'What is Buckler'. Other forms of communi cation, such as commercials and printed advertisements, will be used to put this message across. The cycling team of Jan Raas is riding in Buckler colours for the last time this sea son. icfctcr SgCHcr Gucklfij THE WORLD OF HEINEKEN

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World of Heineken | 1992 | | pagina 9