Ricardo Canela Dias brand. The price difference between Heineken and the imported beers is negligible. Imports are 'in'. The gigantic supermarkets (120 check-out desks) all have a separate department speci fically for imported foodstuffs. Since the opening up of the Brazilian mar ket for imported beers, there has been a great influx of beers from all parts of the world. According to Ricardo Canela Dias, Paul Nitschmann's right- hand man, brands come and go all the time. 'We regularly see people buying just a single can of one of the different brands. We were told that they are collectors.' Belo Horizonte For the sale and distribution of the Heineken beer brewed in Rio de Janeiro use is made of the Coca Cola distributors. Four sales managers of Kaiser are responsible for sales of Heineken and act as supervisors for the Coca Cola sales reps. Selling and distribution in the city of Belo Horizonte (five million inhab Eberhart Aichinger, owner of twelve restau rants and a drinks wholesaling business, also sells Heineken beer in 'his' city of Belo Horizonte. Left, Ivonir Amorin, sales manager of Blitz in Belo Horizonte. Right, Joao Caniato, who is employed by Kaiser and acts as supervisor for the Heineken sales reps in Northern and Central Brazil. THE WOULD OF HEINEKEN

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World of Heineken | 1992 | | pagina 30