Heineken 1 in Italy and Norway Cayman Islands have their own Heineken Open 2a Independent taste tests in Norway and Italy have left no doubt at all that Heineken holds number one ranking. In Italy the monthly magazine La Xuova Eco- logia published a survey into the quality of fifteen different beer brands. Heineken came out as the best. In response to the survey in La Nuova Ecologia, Italy's MI 3 TV station decided to run a feature programme on the quality of beer. During that television show (watched by some three million viewers each week) Heineken was also ment ioned by name. Norway In Norway four beer connoisseurs put nineteen different beer brands to the taste test at the request of one of that country's big gest daily papers. In the 'final round' Heineken came out on top against two Norwegian brands (Aase and Arendal) and Carlsberg. Heineken beer is brewed under licence in Norway by Ringnes A.S. MB Not only in Holland is there a Heineken Open golf tournament. The name Heineken Open also has a familiar ring in the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean, although the event there is still very small compared with the Dutch version. In the Cayman Heine ken Open the main roles were played by the British expatriates. The tourna ment was played on the golf course of the Hyatt Regency, one of the top locations in the Cayman Islands. The intention is that the tournament, which was held this year for the second time, will grow to become an international event in the years ahead. T II I (I II I. I) I) I H K INI K K N

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World of Heineken | 1992 | | pagina 28